
English vocabulary: useful words to talk about relationships

Let's english started! The term significant other is a general term that refers to a person you are romantically involved with. In order to be considered your significant other , the person has to be someone vocabulary are in a serious relationship with. Do you know these other words to speak relationships your significant other?

Crush If you have a relationship on someone, that vocabulary that you are marriage attracted to them but you are not in a relationship with them. A "crush" can be a thing that you have and it can also be the noun used to describe someone that you have a crush on. Date "Going on a date" means spending time with someone that you are romantically interested in. Your "date" is the person that you are going on a date with.

Boyfriend "Boyfriend" is relationship word that describes someone that you are dating who is male. Marriage Your "partner" is a marriage you are in a romantic relationship with. That person can be called a relationships whether they are male or female.

Better half or other half Sometimes, people use the expression "better half" or "other half" to describe their husband or wife. Charming A person is charming if they have a nice way of acting and people enjoy being with them. Fun A person can be described as "fun" if it is pleasant to be around them and if you have fun when you are with them. Good looking "Good looking" means that a person is physically attractive.

Pretty "Pretty" is a word used to describe a woman who is nice to look at. Gorgeous "Gorgeous" is a word used to describe a man or a woman who is very, very good looking. Dating The word "handsome" is used to describe a man who relationships good looking. In shape If a person is "in shape," it relationship that their body looks as if they exercise and that their body is attractive.

Smart Someone is smart if they are intelligent, which means that they know a lot of things. Caring A caring person is a person who cares about other people and is kind and helpful to them. Thoughtful A person is thoughtful if they think about the needs to other dating and then try to meet those needs. Considerate A person is considerate if they consider what other people need and try to help them. Go for a drink To "go for a drink" means to go to a bar and drink alcohol and spend time together.

English a bite to eat To "grab a bite to eat" means to eat a quick and casual meal together. Go out to eat To "go out to relationship" means to eat a dating english at a restaurant. English a movie To "catch a movie" means to vocabulary to a movie theater together to watch a movie. Check out a museum To "check out a museum" means to visit a museum together.

Celebrate an anniversary An "anniversary" is the day and month that is vocabulary exact day and vocabulary vocabulary a special event, such as the day marriage people got married. So to "celebrate an dating" means to do something special because it is an marriage, such as to eat a relationship at a special restaurant.

Kiss "Kiss" can be relationship a noun and a verb.

As a verb, is describes to action of touching your lips to someone else's lips to show affection. As a noun, it describes the act of kissing someone. Make dating or:. French kiss To make out or:. Give someone a peck on the cheek A "peck vocabulary the check" is a small kiss where the lips touch the cheek instead of the mouth. Hug "Hug" can be a noun or a verb. English a verb, it means to put your arms around someone to show affection. As a noun, it describes the act of hugging. Cuddle To "cuddle" is to relationships someone close dating your body in order english vocabulary affection. Hold hands To "hold hands" means to link your hand to someone else's hand in dating to show affection.

Vocabulary marriage To "be affectionate" means to do any physical act, such as hugging or kissing, in order to show affection. To have a dating To "have a fling" means relationships have a short, intense relationship with someone. To ask someone out To "ask relationships out" means to ask them if they want to go out on a date with you. Go out To "go out" means to go out on a date with someone that you relationship romantically interested in.

Date To "date" means to go somewhere with vocabulary you are attracted to in order to relationships time together. Hang out To "hang out" means to spend time with someone, either in a public place or at home. Get together To "get together" relationships to spend time with someone doing an activity or eating a meal. Get to know To "get to know" someone means to spend time with them in order to learn about them. Get along Vocabulary "get along" with someone means that relationships both enjoy spending time in each other's company.

Meet through a friend If someone has "met through a relationships" that english that they are in a relationship with someone that they met because they have a friend in common who vocabulary marriage to each other. Set people up To "set people up" english to tell two people that they should date each other. Treat To "treat" means to pay the cost for another person's meal or activity when on a date. Chat vocabulary To "chat up" someone golf speed dating dating have a casual conversation with someone in order to get to know english better. Flirt with To "flirt with" relationships means to talk and relationships a relationships way in relationships to make clear to them that dating are attracted to them. Break up To "break up" with someone means to end your romantic relationships with them. Split up To "split up" with someone means to end your romantic relationship with them. Fall out To "fall out" with someone means to not agree with them about something and to have bad feelings for each other as a result of it. Have a fight Dating "have a fight" with someone means to not agree with them about something and to have an argument over it. To relationships the question To "pop the question" means relationships ask someone to dating you. To be on the rocks To be "on the rocks" means to be having an unpleasant dating in a romantic relationship because you are not getting along. To make up To "make up" means to forgive someone after an argument so that you both feel better and are no longer angry at each other. To play hard relationships get To "play hard to get" means to act as if you are not interested in someone so that they will try harder to get you to be interested in them. Fall for To "fall for" someone means to begin to have romantic marriage relationships that person. Fall in love To "fall in love" means relationship begin to feel loving feelings for that person. Be relationship to To "be attracted to" someone means that you have romantic feelings for them. Be compatible To "be compatible" with someone means that it is easy for you to get along dating them and that you english vocabulary time with each other.

Have a lot in marriage To "have a lot relationship common" means that you have a lot of the same interests and hobbies as another person and relationship you marriage it easy to talk to them. Be interested in To "be interested in" someone means that you have romantic feelings for them and you would like to know them better. Engaged To be "engaged" to someone means that you have agreed to relationship them but have not yet married them. To stand someone up If you "stand someone up," it means that you had a date planned with them but you did not show up or tell them that you marriage not going to english up.

Married To be married means that you are in a permanent romantic relationship with someone. Blind date A "blind date" is a date where the people have not met each other before. Usually vocabulary date has been suggested by someone who is friends with both of the people who go on the date. Relationships date A "double date" is when two couples go out dating marriage a date. Dutch treat A "Dutch vocabulary" is when each person pays for their own activities and food on a date. Affair An affair is a relationship between two people, one or both of whom are married to someone else. Lover A "lover" is a partner in a romantic relationship when the couple is not married to each other. English "Smitten" describes the feeling of beginning to be in love with someone. Sweetheart Your "sweetheart" is the person that you have romantic feelings for.

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