Why Windows is less secure than Linux

I came across this blog today with some interesting graphics of the system calls used by Windows and IIS as compared to Apache on Linux. If anything it is good for a laugh, although using it as evidence of Windows being inheritly less secure is bullshit from a statistical point of view.

I'll keep on using GNU/Linux though, because I like it, because it does what I want it to, and because I don't believe in the Fear Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) spread by Microsoft.

OpenPGP/MIME capable PHP classes gaining monumentum

I'm glad to see that as more people starts using OpenPGP/MIME, a way to digitally sign and encrypt documents such as emails (read more about that here) people also starts looking for ways to do this for emails sent automatically from a server, not only from client to client.

I recently discovered an article on devzone.zend.com where one of my scripts at least appears in the comments.

Hopefully they are of use to someone but myself.

A million EU domain names has been registered

702 684 new .eu Internet domain names were registered in first four hours after .eu opened to the public. EU has now reached its first million domain names.

The EU domain name reached its third phase, Land Rush, today, the 7th of April. It is now open for public registration after two runs of Sunrise phases where registrations were only open to holders of registered trademarks.

Read more and look at the graph at kfwebs.net