Civil Rights Violations Regarding The Pirate Bay Raid re-printing a list of civil rights violations regarding the pirate bay bust. The list was originally compiled by Anders Gardebring and translated and expanded by Rickard Falkvinge, the leader of The Swedish Pirate Party.

This was ordered by the MPAA through the White House through the Swedish Government. Prosecutors and police knew they couldn’t act against TPB, but were ordered to anyway. Double or triple fault.

Minister of justice, gives direct orders regarding specific cases. (This may be a bit odd for foreigners to understand, but ministers aren’t heads of their departments here; they represent the departments to the government, which writes general rules. It is absolutely forbidden for a minister to interfere in a specific case). He has later gone on record denying this.

We'll see how the case ends at one point. In other news The Pirate Bay is up and running again.

5 down, 2 to go

As you might or might not have noticed my websites have not gotten too much attention and hence not as much updates lately.

This is mainly due to my exam period. I have finished 5 exams, out of a total of 7. The subjects I've finished are Business Negotiations and communication in English, Logistics, Legal Issues, Economics and Mathemathics.

I have current managerial accounting and econometrics left, at the 13th and 20th respectively before it is summer vacation on my behalf.