CNN airing Comedy Central

For some reason, when I switched on CNN today, I was met by Comedy Central and The Daily Show Global Edition, making jokes about amongst another, New Orleans for not allowing self-service at gas stations, and hence forces full service. They reason for this by it being too cumbersome for consumers to actually conduct self-service and it is unsafe to let them. On that note, in Norway I have yet to find a place that in fact has full-service, and I'm still alive after a number of fillings.

CNN and Comedy Central

Text-TV is indeed CNN, and there are ordinary CNN ads in between. Apparently the american edition of CNN did not show this, so it is probably limited to the International edition of the TV channel. The program ended with "The Daily Show Global Edition is a Comedy Central production for CNN" and went back to ordinary CNN.

It is possibly related to that Time Warner owns CNN as well as 50% of comedy central.

Google AdSense and combined ad units

I recently got an ad on one of my websites that to my knowledge is new. The last ad (out of 4) in the leaderboard is substitiuted for a link ad unit, and it looks like
combined ads

Just something that struck me as interesting

Procrastinating student

As I'm in the middle of an exam period I found "Procrastinating student" to be appropriate

Procrastinate \Pro*cras"ti*nate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Procrastinated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Procrastinating}.] [L.
procrastinatus, p. p. of procrastinare to procrastinate; pro
forward + crastinus of to-morrow, fr. cras to-morrow.]
To put off till to-morrow, or from day to day; to defer; to
postpone; to delay; as, to procrastinate repentance. --Dr. H.

In this regard I aliased to this blog.