5 down, 2 to go

As you might or might not have noticed my websites have not gotten too much attention and hence not as much updates lately.

This is mainly due to my exam period. I have finished 5 exams, out of a total of 7. The subjects I've finished are Business Negotiations and communication in English, Logistics, Legal Issues, Economics and Mathemathics.

I have current managerial accounting and econometrics left, at the 13th and 20th respectively before it is summer vacation on my behalf.


LinkedIn is an online network of more than 5.5 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 130 industries.

When you join, you create a profile that summarizes your professional accomplishments. Your profile helps you find and be found by former colleagues, clients, and partners. You can add more connections by inviting trusted contacts to join LinkedIn and connect to you.

Your network consists of your connections, your connections’ connections, and the people they know, linking you to thousands of qualified professionals.

As an example my profile is located at http://www.linkedin.com/pub/0/634/315