Significant increase in spam

I've had a significant increase in incoming spam over the past 18 months as shown in the chart below. My incoming ham emails (emails that I want to read) are stable around 250-500 a day on average, but the number of spam emails has reached some thousand a day.

Thankfully the sorting is an automated process.

spam chart

So.. ehrm... if anyone has sent me an email expecting a response, but haven't gotten it in a timely manner; please bare with me and rather resend than get upset. On rare occasions there are false positives, deal with it ....

Summer vacation

Today I completed my final exam for my Bachelor degree in business and as such I plan on having a nice and relaxing summer vacation before I start my Masters degree over the summer. Ok, so I will be working here in Oslo for most of it, then again, I love doing so. Hopefully the weather keeps up, and as I believe it will I have a slight suspicion that there will probably be some assemblies at Aker Brygge having some pitchers of beer throughout summer, in addition to the wine and beer I presume will get consumed on my balcony over the next couple of months.

But I won't stay all of summer in Oslo and as such I've scheduled a trip back to my home-town, Ã…lesund, the week 30.07 - 05.08, incidentally grasping about my birthday, 2nd of August.

I've also procrastinated some programming jobs till the end of exam, so looking forwards to a nice series of programming nights as well. The most interesting project will hopefully be announced around September, but until then you'll just have to guess as to what it is.

Good summer everyone!