I expected better from Telenor

About 70,000 phone-subscribers are without phones after Norway's grandest telecommunication provider encountered an error affecting VoIP (ip-telephony) clients during a system upgrade.

The system was supposed to be back up at 0200 CEST, a deadline that got pushed to 1200 CEST once not back up at the prior deadine. At the present moment they won't give any new timeframes.

Personally I only use my cellular phone, which is not directly affected by this error, although, of course it makes it difficult to call someone that is without a phone.

What stumps me is the lack of redundancy systems, the competitor Netcom has had major problems for cellphones resently due to network overuse, a result of adding clients trying to grow without having the network scalability required for the traffic. So you can be very sure I won't switch to them at any point soon. The problems have been on multiple layers, including twise the network accountability central, a server which keeps tracks of where the cellphones are registered in the network in order to properly route the phonecalls to it, efficiently disabling the phones from receiving any phone-calls.

Telenor is generally more stable, at least that is my own experience when it comes to cellphones. On broadband front, including the VoIP services however, they are doing a child's mistake over and over again.

Hopefully they get it back up soon.