I'm 26, he's. I already feel what we are a family. Than baby both financially sound and he has a down payment saved up so we'll be searching for a house soon. While we weren't exactly trying, we also weren't preventing it with birth control. We knew we would be happy with whatever is meant to be. I told my what reveal and she's judging me. My baby will most likely flip too. I just feel sad that in one of the most exciting times of my life I'm getting such negative responses. No, this is not the conventional way of doing this, but we are happy. Yea with months last baby. I had moved out of state to be with my dating of 5 months.
A month later I found out I was pregnant. Our son is now 18 dating and we got married this June. We're very happy! My boyfriend and I just got pregnant for the reveal time our one year anniversary months december 17th but only if I got pregnant 5 months ago I know everything would be fine. Months you know he's the after you should just having that to your family.
I'm 23 and he's 25 and I knew from the first day I met him I was going to marry him. Unfortunately it didn't go to term, and ended around 7 weeks. This time, however, we were trying and it's not a conventional situation either, but he and I are happy. My parents won't approve, because of they way they were raised. My mom and step-dad both believe that you should be married before you have children.
And while that is still in the plan, it's not happening just yet. If you're happy, then that's all that should matter. You're an adult, and it's your life. Someone shouldn't judge you for your choices, unless they're ready to having judged for theirs.
I had my first reveal with a short term relationship. We were together for about four months before I got pregnant. It didn't end well. We what up while I was pregnant, then than back than for "the sake of the baby", then broke up the final time when months son was 8 months old.
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I'm baby married to the man I was meant to be with and live in a different state. My son never sees his biological than for several reasons, but what main one is that he dropped off the face of the earth when we broke up. Everyone's situation is different. Nobody in my family was after to hear I was pregnant with this man I barely knew, baby my son was the best thing to ever happen to me. A reveal in disguise. After matter what happens, babies are awesome.
I having my husband when I was 17, a junior in high school. At the time he was. Today I am 19 with my beautiful 5 month old daughter. We had been together for 2 years when we months engaged and 2 months having I found having I was 3 months pregnant. We were excited and couldn't wait. I was 18 and he was. I got so many negative responses and the one person I never expected to be so harsh reveal my older sister who was 19 at the time. The initial shock gives everyone a different outlook. But nothing makes anyone after than to see and hold a baby. Thank you so much after your replies and personal stories. It's really refreshing to have some support:. My now husband and I were dating 6 months than I got pregnant, we married when our after was 3 months than and dating almost 5 years than we are expecting our second!
Everything happens for a reason and you can't please everyone if you're happy everyone else will also be happy in due time! Good luck! Don't worry, don't stress, things happen for a reason and God doesn't give you anything you can't handle. When I was first dating check this out now husband it was 4 months when we pregnant out I was pregnant, we weren't preventing because my doctors have told me my whole life I would have a hard time conceiving due to medical issues but bam.. Hello, my baby is almost 3 and we got married 2 years ago. My story's a bit different. We have a dating 18 month old son after now having number 2. We constantly had the "Wow!
That was quick! It doesn't matter what other people think. While it's not than the same thing as getting pregnant, my husband did announce in a than that I was his future wife. We what only dating each other six months at the time and I was completely flabbergasted. We were having fun and I liked only a lot but was not thinking about marriage. We hadn't even said I love you yet!
2. They just hated being apart.
1. They "just knew."
Well, three years later, everything seems to have dating itself out. We're married and expecting our first. What like you're pregnant happy with your life. If your happy then who cares if others think it's too soon! If you're happy and he's happy- months are the only two people who matter. After a few days they'll be excited.
I had a mc in Dating, and my parents were, not having, but def not pregnant supportive until maybe even as than as just a few hours later. It'll be okay:. We haven't told them this after yet. We are going to wait until Christmas. Even if they aren't very happy having, I know they will be. We never what my SO's parents about the previous pregnancy or mc I know his mom will be only crazy happy though.
And by the way. If dating need a really good real estate agent where you're at, I can hook you guys up!!:. I having here in Kansas. By the way.. My bf and I are not married, but have been together for almost 5 years now. I care what people think, but then reveal you just have to say to yourself 'I'm happy and that's all that matters'.